3112 Windsor Rd
#352, Austin, Texas 78703
Operating Hours
Mon - Sun: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Top Rated Artificial Grass Installations in Lago Vista, Texas

Lawn & Landscape Turf
Artificial Turf for You and the Planet.
The team at Tarrytown Turf understands the struggle of Maintaining real grass lawns. We know it takes a lot of unnecessary time, money, and resources. Installing the right artificial grass can be a never-ending line of hard decisions! Our team is here to answer all of your questions and make it as easy as possible for you. Join the movement to realistic, water-saving, low maintenance, artificial grass.

Our Services
Our clients count on us to provide them with high quality artificial grass, artificial landscape turf, rock, xeriscape and water-smart landscaping installations in Lago Vista, Texas. Our products and workmanship are guaranteed for 15 years.

What To Look Forward To
Free Project Renders With Every Consultation
We know that making the change to artificial grass from a natural grass lawn is a big commitment, and Tarrytown Turf wants to help you make that change as easily as possible. Free project renders to visualize your turf installation is just one of many ways we do that!

Our Turf is Superior
Soft, Realistic, & High Quality
Our Process

Free Consultation
We help you learn about the process and provide:
Expertise and Knowledge
Turf Samples
Features and Benefits

We create a personalized project proposal which includes:
Project Renders
Site Plan
Project Details

We use the highest quality products and garuantee:
On Time Installation
Clean Work Site

The benefits of artificial grass begin right after installation:
Save Water
Reduce Maintanence
Family & Pet Friendly

Saving Water One Yard At A Time
Water Sustainability.
Earth grown grass is a very thirsty thing. Just 500 square feet, the size of a small patch of lawn, uses on average 67,500 gallons of water per year! For the 40 million square feet of lawns in America, 235 trillion gallons of water are spent. A colossal sink of resources and energy.
Schedule a Free Estimate Today
Gallery Our Work
Is fake grass financially feasible for the average household or business?Yes – Synthetic grass is an investment that will pay for itself and create savings over time. We also offer financing options so you can get your dream yard even sooner.
Is artificial grass going to withstand the outdoor elements?Yes – Synthetic turf is made for the outdoors and to withstand all weather such as rain, snow, drought, and hot climates. We offer top-rated artificial grass systems with the highest endurance to take on the most demanding applications.
Will pets and high traffic use ruin the artificial turf?No – Synthetic grass is extremely durable; it is meant to be used daily as you would with a natural grass lawn. Except, instead of mowing, watering, and fertilizing to keep it useable like real sod, you lay artifical turf down once and it’s ready to be used for years.
Is fake grass financially feasible for the average household or business?Yes – Synthetic grass is an investment that will pay for itself and create savings in time. We also offer financing options so you can get the yard of your dreams even sooner.
Can you help me choose the best synthetic turf model for my project?Yes – Our team of artificial grass specialist can assist you in choosing the best suited fake turf model based on your project type. Give us some details on how you plan to use the artificial grass and we can send you a sample box custom to your project type.
How long will artificial turf last?Synthetic grass has a life expectancy of 20-25 years, but it can surpass this time if it is well kept.
Will it stain or fade?A high-quality synthetic grass product will not not stain or fade.
Will it smell?Our pet turf is all anti-microbial which means that the material that it is made out of resists bacterial growth. Any sort of pet urine can be washed away with a hose in seconds!
Will pets and high traffic use ruin the artificial turf?No – Synthetic grass is extremely durable; it is meant to be used daily as you would with a natural grass lawn. Except, instead of mowing, watering, and fertilizing to keep it useable like real sod, you lay artifical turf down once and it’s ready to be used for years.
Is artificial grass going to withstand the outdoor elements?Yes – Synthetic turf is made for the outdoors and to withstand all weather such as rain, snow, drought, and hot climates. We offer top-rated artificial grass systems with the highest endurance to take on the most demanding applications.
Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission
At Tarrytown Turf, we work hard to make sustainability easier. We imagine a world where the sustainable choice is the obvious choice. The thought of water drives us to build and scale better systems and technologies.
In Texas, the water supply is decreasing while the amount of people is increasing. Once-powerful creeks in Texas are now weak. Regardless of this being known, 50% of the urban water supplies are used for landscaping. If you would like to partner or if you have ideas, reach out!